許多人在心情不好的時候,都想要聽個音樂來改善自己的心情,但這真的有用嗎?美國的密蘇里大學(University of Missouri)發現:確實可以藉由愉快的音樂,來幫助自己更開心,也說明了人們是可以主動促進自己的情緒的!
研究者Yuna Ferguson說:「我們這研究支持了一件很多人都在做但卻沒有科學根據的事—藉由聽音樂來改善自己的情緒。雖然促進個人正向情緒好像只是個人的事而已,但已有研究指出正向情緒和社會上的助人行為、身體健康、高收入、滿意的人際關係都有高度相關。」
Copland所創作的輕快音樂,另一組則是聽Igor Stravinsky較為陰沉的作品,兩組人在聽音樂後被要求試著改善情緒讓自己愉快,還有兩組人只是單純聽Aaron
Copland或Igor Stravinsky的音樂而已,結果發現聽Aaron
Ferguson的指導教授Kennon Sheldon表示:「讓自己持續體驗正向事物,來豐富生活,同時對自己所擁有的感到知足,就能維持在比較快樂的狀態。」體驗正向事物與知足,對我們而言是有益的,可以藉由這些內心的變化來引我們往幸福的生活邁進。這些建議都是容易達成,也都可以從日常生活做起,不只是從物質上的滿足獲得短暫愉快的情緒。像是重拾自己以前喜愛的事物、感受愉快的曲子、體驗可以讓你感受充實美滿的活動,均能讓我們的生活擁有更多的幸福感。
註一:Aaron Copland(1900-1990),美國二十世紀的最偉大的古典作曲家之一,是美國的民族風格代表。
刪除原文有這段:Recent research at the University of Missouri discovered that an individual can indeed successfully try to be happier, especially when cheery music aids the process.
Why do Minor Chords Sound Sad?
回覆刪除The Theory of Musical Equilibration states that in contrast to previous hypotheses, music does not directly describe emotions: instead, it evokes processes of will which the listener identifies with.
A major chord is something we generally identify with the message, “I want to!” The experience of listening to a minor chord can be compared to the message conveyed when someone says, "No more." If someone were to say the words "no more" slowly and quietly, they would create the impression of being sad, whereas if they were to scream it quickly and loudly, they would be come across as furious. This distinction also applies for the emotional character of a minor chord: if a minor harmony is repeated faster and at greater volume, its sad nature appears to have suddenly turned into fury.
The Theory of Musical Equilibration applies this principle as it constructs a system which outlines and explains the emotional nature of musical harmonies. For more information you can google Theory of Musical Equilibration.
Bernd Willimek
Why do Minor Chords Sound Sad?
回覆刪除The Theory of Musical Equilibration states that in contrast to previous hypotheses, music does not directly describe emotions: instead, it evokes processes of will which the listener identifies with.
A major chord is something we generally identify with the message, “I want to!” The experience of listening to a minor chord can be compared to the message conveyed when someone says, "No more." If someone were to say the words "no more" slowly and quietly, they would create the impression of being sad, whereas if they were to scream it quickly and loudly, they would be come across as furious. This distinction also applies for the emotional character of a minor chord: if a minor harmony is repeated faster and at greater volume, its sad nature appears to have suddenly turned into fury.
The Theory of Musical Equilibration applies this principle as it constructs a system which outlines and explains the emotional nature of musical harmonies. For more information you can google Theory of Musical Equilibration.
Bernd Willimek